50% workload reduction with Vendict

Aidoc: Accelerating Sales with Vendict. Learn how Aidoc automated compliance processes, reducing questionnaire completion time by 92%

I was being slapped with these giant documents, three to four hundred questions long,” says Jason, Aidoc’s lead sales engineer. “I said to myself: ‘This is crazy. We need to find a way to automate this.’”

Jason Campbell
Director of Sales Engineering


Aidoc’s sales team spent months buckling under the weight of ever-growing compliance obligations. It was bringing their sales cycle to a halt and threatening potential deals. After four months of deploying Vendict, Aidoc’s sales cycle has accelerated by over 90 percent. What used to take weeks of menial repetitive work now takes minutes. 

The Problem

Aidoc is a leading firm in the medical imaging field. 

After only a few years of starting up, their AI-powered solutions were being sought after by hospitals all over the world. 

As Aidoc was taking off, however, data regulation and laws governing network security were increasing the compliance burden on vendors in the AI space. This brought new challenges to every aspect of Aidoc’s operations. But perhaps no department was more affected than sales. The entire sales team was being ground to a halt by the massive amounts of compliance documentation necessary to close a client.

“I came on board the Aidoc team to optimize their sales process. My team and I didn’t really know much about security questionnaires, only the bare-bones basics. But from day one, I was being slapped with these giant documents, three to four hundred questions long,” says Jason, Aidoc’s lead sales engineer. “I said to myself: ‘This is crazy. We need to find a way to automate this.’”

The sales team began testing out various solutions designed to automate compliance processes. But all the platforms they deployed were having little to no effect on improving their questionnaire completion time. “To be honest, none of Vendict’s competitors could cut it. Believe me, I tried them. The setup was time-consuming. Plus, they didn’t really add any efficiency, which at the end of the day, was what I cared about,” says Jason. 

The Solution

Finally, a fellow employee at Aidoc suggested looking into Vendict. “My colleague came to me and said: ‘Jason, there’s this new start-up that might be able to solve our problems.’ I looked up Vendict and they offered to let us try out the platform for free.” 

The first impression Jason and his team had of Vendict was its clear organization. The way the libraries were parsed out was very impressive. It made uploading and funneling the compliance data a piece of cake.”

In the first several weeks, Jason began seeing his sales cycle accelerate. Jason and his team began to meticulously track their progress in completing questionnaires. “Before using Vendict, we would be sitting on a questionnaire for close to 100 days. That’s over three months of waiting to close a customer. After the first couple of weeks of using Vendict, that number began to drop. Today, the average time between when I receive a questionnaire and when it’s fully completed is just six days.”

The Aidoc sales team is regularly approached by other automation vendors seeking their business. But after inquiring about the competitors’ platforms, the team sees that their capabilities do not come close to Vendict’s. “We’ve been contacted by a few of Vendict’s competitors,” says Jason. “They ask us what our turnaround time for questionnaires currently is. When I tell them I can knock out a questionnaire in a few minutes, they fall off their chairs. ‘I’m afraid we can’t compete with that.’ And that’s usually how the call ends.”  

I was being slapped with these giant documents, three to four hundred questions long,” says Jason, Aidoc’s lead sales engineer. “I said to myself: ‘This is crazy. We need to find a way to automate this.’”
Jason Campbell
Director of Sales Engineering
“Before using Vendict, we would be sitting on a questionnaire for close to 100 days. Today, the average time between when I receive a questionnaire and when it’s fully completed is just six days.”
Jason Campbell
Director of Sales Engineering