HomeCase Studies

Orca Security

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Orca is a leading provider of cloud security services.

Founded with the vision to deliver easy and cost-effective cloud protection and maintenance, Orca is recognized today as one of the premier firms in the cloud security space.

As the compliance landscape began to change, Orca was faced with increased demands for compliance documentation, especially security questionnaires.

After several attempts with ad-hoc solutions and a trial with a competing platform, Orca’s GRC team came across Vendict. The solution has addressed all the major logistical challenges that were hindering security questionnaires and has helped streamline Orca’s business cycle.

Discover How Orca Streamlines Security Questionnaires with Vendict

The Problem

Maayan is the GRC Manager at Orca. She was brought on to the team in the summer of 2022 to help take on new challenges the company was facing in the domain of compliance.

“With cloud security, there are always evolving demands on the compliance front,” says Maayan. “The company hired me in order to bring new strategies and solutions to their GRC.”

Immediately after taking the position, Maayan realized that the security questionnaires were a real sore spot and that the frequency of these questionnaires was only increasing. Compliance documentation was becoming more and more disruptive, and the in-house solutions just weren’t cutting it anymore. “We were using Excel sheets to try and organize our compliance data, thinking this would make it easier to address security questions from clients. But it wasn’t.”

Maayan began searching for tools that could help automate the questionnaire process and organize the company's compliance information.

Author picture

“I trust the platform. I know that what it puts out, I can send off to a client. I don’t know of any other solution that comes close to these capabilities.”

Maayan Levin
GRC Manager
Orca Security logo

"We uploaded a ton of data to Vendict’s engine. This stage was admittedly the most involved on our end, but the results were just excellent."

The Solution

After deciding to continue her search, Maayan finally learned about Vendict.

“Vendict’s main selling points were accuracy and speed—things I was not getting from the competitor.” 

Maayan notes that one benefit of working with Vendict was organizing all of the company’s compliance data into Vendict’s library. “We uploaded a ton of data to Vendict’s engine. This stage was admittedly the most involved on our end, but the results were just excellent.” 

Maayan and her team know they can rely on Vendict to turn compliance data into coherent, submittable answers. “I trust the platform. I know that what it puts out, I can send off to a client. I don’t know of any other solution on the market that comes close to these capabilities.”

Maayan values the user experience and features just as much as Vendict’s accuracy. “The platform is designed to be super functional. And you can tell. The Chrome Extension alone adds a ton of value. I can tell you from experience that between 80 and 90 percent of questionnaires in the cloud security space come in through the browser. This makes them incompatible with most solutions. With Vendict, in-browser questionnaires are a breeze.”

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